Last year, countless people in our community faced hardship. Some lost jobs, some lost businesses, some ended up homeless and in shelters and despair was the common feeling. Farmers are, at heart, nurturers. We tend to soil, we tend to seeds, we tend to food and we tend to our community. That’s why, as a community facing extreme monetary setbacks, it’s imperative that we offer our services to all people regardless of income.
Last year, a young lady came up to me and told me that she would love to shop with us but she’s on a fixed income. I told her that many of our customers participate in our EBT program. I explained briefly how it worked and that she’ll be able to enjoy as much produce and baked goods as anyone else. I urged her to fill out her information at the Information Tent, get her black and green wooden coins and begin enjoying organic foods and non edibles. By the end of her shopping spree, she left happy with an armful of greens, breads, jams and meats.
2020 was a year that made many of us regroup and reconsider. As I walked Main Street and looked at some now empty stores, it saddens me to think that so many within our community feel as if they have no options except fast food and sugary drinks. Good nutrition fills you up so you need less of it to be satiated. Bad nutrition is empty calories so you’ll need more and more to feel full. When you do the math, you’re spending more money at fast food restaurants than at our market.
The Monroe Farmer’s Market is proud and honored to accept EBT (Food Stamps) and their non-edible equivalent. If you are struggling to pay the bills and to keep the refrigerator full, come to our family-friendly market. We have nutritious and delicious foods that’s more filling and better for you. You’ll enjoy fresh kale, homemade soups, buttery pull-a-part bread, smoked kielbasa and handmade soaps.
Bring the family this May 1 st and let’s rebuild our community together.
Article by Azizi Dayo
May to October 8 am – 12 noon
November to December 9 am – 12 noon